Fora Form reached out to Brand Valley to conduct a brand transformation which would set the direction for the company and the product portfolio. The ambition was to improve visibility and market share on an international stage, while strengthening an internal awareness of their brand and design. The project was supported by Innovation Norway.
Brand repositioning
Brand and innovation alignment
In Brand Valley’s approach we align Brand Design to the Innovation Process from the very beginning, liberating the brand from being a pure marketing tool, and transforming it into a guide for the whole organisation.
An ambition workshop was conducted with the senior management as well as employees, engaging the organisation to design possible directions for the brand. The approach was based on the creative flexibility of design thinking and collaboration.
Findings from the interviews, workshops, and research were combined together with the insights discovered through the ambition workshop and were taken to the next stage for further analysis. Different roles that Fora Form can take were explored through brand concepts and discussed further in a positioning workshop, from which the desired positioning emerged.
Brand platform
Product and portfolio strategy
An action plan that was implemented and created strategic organisational impact, including separating product and brand management into two roles and setting up of the brand department, a first for the company.
Fora form
Founded in 1929, Fora Form is one of Norway’s leading suppliers of chairs, seating groups and tables for the contract market, with a deep-rooted philosophy of providing social working environments through collaboration with cutting-edge Scandinavian designers.